we're going to bargain away our civil liberties over a class of
weapons that doesn't even figure all that heavily in any of our crime
statistics? Yeah, that makes perfect sense. - comment on the NRA News
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Irving - Two women have filed a complaint in federal court over a roadside body cavity search of their rectal and genital areas after a Texas DPS trooper said he smelled marijuana smoke in the car.
The Trooper's dash camera captured the search, which was conducted in public, in plain sight of passing traffic, by a female trooper named Kelley Helleson, who, the video shows, used the same latex glove to probe the women's rectums and vaginas.
The search took place on July 13 after a male trooper alleged he saw the women toss a couple of cigarette butts out on the side of the road, an act for which he wrote the driver a citation for littering a public roadway. He is overheard saying that picking up litter on the side of highways is a very hazardous task.
He is also heard on the tape alleging he smells marijuana smoke. The women admitted they had been smoking, but did not admit if the smoking material was marijuana.
The matter is under investigation by the Public Integrity Unit of the Dallas County District Attorney's Office, and will be presented to the Grand Jury during its January term, according to published reports.
One may view the dashcam video, which was obtained by "The Dallas Morning News," by clicking on this website. (click here to go there)
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