ObamaCare, the prospect of a Treasury default on the national debt, crime – he traces it all to a day way back in 1962 when the U.S. government told the people their children would no longer be allowed to pray in schools.
If people and their state governments would stand up to the feds, “If we followed the Constitution, did what it says,” he told supporters, friends and familiy at a recent birthday barbecue, “we wouldn't have these problems.”
In fact, he predicts, the problems will straighten themselves out, given time and the good will of an American nation willing to free itself from the yoke of federal control.
It's all part of an interesting Constitutionalist agenda he and his supporters have worked out in the founding of the Central Texas Tea party at Belton.
He opposes a traditional liberal Democrat, Lloyd Doggett from Austin, who has supported President Barack Obama on everything from health care to the debt crisis.
In the newly redistricted area that cuts a crescent from the blackland prairies of Hill and Johnson Counties to the cattle lands and barren steppes of the Edwards Plateau, then to the Hill Country – a swath that contains all or parts of 13 counties, most of them populated with very conservative voters – Mr. Riddle is taking the fight to the forefront, as he did during his career as a West Point graduate who retired as a Lt. Colonel.
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