Thursday, October 31, 2013
BIG Daily journalism trumpets GOP on open carry
It's agreed. Lonnie Phillips is as grief-stricken as a father can be.
The San
Antonio man has a unique perspective on gun rights.
daughter lost her life to a shooter in a darkened Denver-area theater
one midnight not long ago as fans of Batman gathered for a premiere
showing of an instant cult classic at an Aurora, Colorado shopping
mall. Though the pictures are clear, no one really knows why.
The joy
of young people on the hunt of a hoot suddenly turned to panic, then
terror, and left a stunned, numbed nation in the throes of a deadly
confusion, a spreading stain of guilt and horror compelled by the
simple notion of, “Now, what?”
Phillips explains that his choice to not carry a pistol for his own
defense, or the defense of others, is as much a right as any other
person's choice to go armed in self defense, as guaranteed by the
Texas and U.S. Constitutions.
should we, who choose not to own weapons, have to be intimidated by
someone openly carrying a weapon?" said Mr. Phillips. "My
freedom not to have to carry a weapon to be safe is as paramount to
liberty as Jerry Patterson's right to open carry."
Safety. Freedom from fear. Security for a man's precious children.
words just leap out of the good, gray columns of Houston's big daily,
bespoken by men vying for the top jobs in state politics, all of them
clamoring to get on board the Second Amendment band wagon without
having to do much about the notion that a man or woman can strap it
on, let it show, and thereby make the quiet statement that you've got
it – that cold blue steel or polished stainless hog leg – and you
will use it.
code of the west.
people consider it the sizzle on the steak of freedom, and Texas is
only one of a select few states – 6 in number – that, unlike such
out west bastions of liberty as Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona,
won't have any form of it, this thing of carrying a pistol openly.
a man, it turns out, GOP candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor,
Attorney General – all have the same bright idea, a
go-along-to-get-along deal as Democratic as any New Deal.
the people, the God-fearing, ever-loving, tax-paying, hard-working
people, that if they get a concealed carry handgun license, they will
have the same privilege to openly carry a firearm, in certain
limited circumstances, as they do to carry a concealed
buy it, prove you deserve it because of your clean criminal record,
that you've demonstrated a lack of mental pathology in your past
behavior, that you have paid a license fee, taken a test, cheerfully
submitted to training by an instructor certified by the state police.
a deal. Same license. Same deal. Same same.
problem raises its ugly head, and the conservative men of good
government all know it, going in. Open carry by concealed carry
licensees is an idea that has received short shrift in every session
of the legislature since Jerry Patterson authored the current
concealed carry handgun license law – way back in the early
calmly, casually bats it down before it gets off the place-kicker's
toe and starts its meteoric climb for the crossbar of the goal post –
every time.
Joe Pickett, D-El Paso, chairman of the Homeland Security and Public
Safety Committee, blocked the measure from a vote in the most recent
Legislature because, he said, the 2013 bill did not have support from
leadership or members of the House and Senate during the session.
added that he was not alone. "I'm not a big fan," Pickett
said. "But I didn't stop it. If there would have been support
from the governor, lieutenant governor and speaker, it would have
been signed into law."
that's why Mr. Patterson made his historic move – drew that line in
the sand – at the Alamo on Saturday, October 19.
Texas Land Commissioner, he has charge of the upkeep and maintenance
of the Shrine, and he made the highly symbolic use of its graceful
old plaza available for the use of the Come and Take It movement. For
many years previously, the Daughters of the Texas Revolution have
limited the use of the Shrine of the Alamo to certain non-political
events, such as an annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F.
and A.M., to commemorate the siege and martyrdom of their brethren
who were doomed by their bid for freedom from tyranny.
allowed the rally to take place, the first of its type in the recent
memory of men and women living in the Alamo City.
read from the Texas Declaration of Independence, a pugnacious
document voted out by the Texians at Washington-on-the-Brazos so long
ago. He reminded the hundreds of rifle-toting men and women that
chief among the many complaints of the Texians was the fact that the
government of Mexico had sent its dragoons to take their cannon,
their muskets and pistols.
conversation following his public remarks, Mr. Patterson reminded his
listeners that since the passage of the Concealed Carry Handgun
License law, cities and counties have passed certain
“unconstitutional ordinances” requiring peace officers to arrest
those who go armed, to confiscate their weapons pending
investigation and trial.
“SAPD (San Antonio Police Department) is operating under an ordinance that is unlawful and unconstitutional. That needs to be changed.” he concluded.
conflict today is as plain as that of March, 1836; either the bad
folks know you've got it, and you will use it, or they don't.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
As 20-year war ends, cops dial up civil strife over guns
talked to a promoter who nearly fell off the floor,
said, Hold on, let me think for a minute, son.
he said, We just put some bleachers out here in the sun
have it on Highway 61... - Bob Dylan, ca. 1965
Bell County, Texas – When it comes to look-see pidgin, State v.
Grisham, a Class B misdemeanor prosecution for interfering with an
official doing his appointed duty, is el rancho de luxe
stuff, academy award quality, a fancy French film festival Palm D'or
property of an inspired nature.
Marine, Armored veteran at recent Open Carry Event organized by M/Sgt. C.J. Grisham |
thing has the feel and
smell of a finely tuned psy-op plastered all over it, something a
golf-playing, whiskey-drinking, cigar-chewing group of Generals and
Admirals would cook up to keep their men on their toes and the
Constitutional republic in tune. As Lord Buckley would have said,
“Rompa-de-bompa-de-bomp, ching-ching...Hurray for Slugwell!”
does not wish for you, the average man or woman, a citizen otherwise
qualified, to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the Second
Amendment and the Texas Constitution. At least, they do not in any
significant rough and ready, quick and dirty, chips are down, balloon
is up – fashion - as
We The People know it.
someone is in most cases operating behind a badge of one sort or the
other, a civil officer who is working for a living, meeting the man,
making the payments – just doing his or her job. To back his play,
he's got his figures, all neatly compiled by the FBI.
figures are grim, the daily accounts of mayhem and murder committed
by some berserk bearer of the last nine yards of hell belching smoke
and fire from the muzzle of a deadly firearm in school yards,
shopping malls, city streets, homes, offices, courtrooms...
resulting conflict has become one of the defining and signatory
hassles of the period defined roughly between the BATFE raid on the
Branch Davidian compound at Elk, Texas, and the present day. Itcoincides pretty much with Uncle Sam's adventures in the mideastmaking sure client states such as Iraq continue to cooperate byaccepting the U.S. Dollar as the world's reserve currency in paymentfor crude petroleum hauled in by super tanker. (click here to read about 40 years of war on American soil)
defines one of the most central of civil conflicts of the past couple
of decades, and it has reached a boiling point in an "Auxiliary"
County Court at Law before a "visiting" judge in a small
Texas town near the world's largest military installation, Ft. Hood,
where tens of thousands of fighting men and women will be "demobbed"
over the next few years following what amounts to a twenty-year war
by some peoples' reckoning - 40 years by others. Who will stay in
uniform, and who will go?
a clue. Numerous reports of psychological profiling exist in which
there is no equivocation. Troopers and Marines are asked,
point-blank, will you fire on American citizens if ordered to do so?
It is something of a litmus test, thee or he, me or mine, yours or
ours. According to Snopes, “Rumor has it,”
- For as long as we've been operating this web site (close to twenty years), the three most commonly and continuously circulated types of conspiracy theories have to do with claims that the President of the United States or some other federal agency is about to declare martial law, is readying mass internment facilities (i.e., concentration camps), or is preparing to use armed force against U.S. citizens.
attacks on America on 9/11/01 came in the big middle of events and
resulted in the deaths of thousands when terrorists flew fully loaded
jetliners into the World Trade Center on a sunny Tuesday morning,
then attacked the Pentagon and targeted another target many assumed
was the White House from out of a clear, blue sky.
spectacular, it was only one of thousands of similar – operations
- in the sheer and utter terror of urban warfare that is carried out
on the streets of a nation in which the courts have ruled repeatedly
for more than a hundred years that police officers are under no legal
obligation to afford any protection whatsoever to citizens under
attack from anyone – for any reason.
Look it up. (click here for a legal briefing on the subject)
these people actually intend to make law in an obscure “auxiliary”
county courtroom – in private – while a retired jurist from
Houston named Neel D. Richardson mouths in his chambers that the
defendant and his wife are a couple of “yokels,” and that he, the
judge, intends to teach them a lesson in “parenting.”
more, what happens at the soldier fort won't stay at the soldier
fort. Just ask Sitting Bull, the folks from Wounded Knee, Geronimo.
The Long Knives make law, and that law sticks in 254 Texas counties,
in cities and towns throughout 50 states.
case of M/Sgt. C.J. Grisham is only one of thousands, but in it, the
Sergeant chose to fight against a nameless and implacable foe,
namely, thieves who attacked elderly members of his family by
stealing anhydrous ammonia fertilizer from tanks temporarily stored
on row crop land which members of his extended family own near the
Temple, Texas, airport and an adjacent industrial park last March 16.
wasn't his first go-round. He and another guy gave thieves a merry
run for the money more than a year previous when faced with the same
situation, a high speed auto chase in which he, Grisham, bore a rifle
in anger, hoping against hope he would catch the thieves who pilfer
anhydrous from his family's farms prior to spring planting, using the
substance for “cooking” the deadly illicit methamphetamine known
as “crank,” or “crystal.”
the stuff that makes peoples' teeth fall out in a few years and
leaves them looking like zombies from a horror movie while they walk
around looking for something to steal to support their habit.
next stop, the Council chambers at City Hall, saw his entreaty
falling on deaf ears when he pleaded with officials to repeal, or at
least nullify unconstitutional local strictures against carrying
firearms inside the city limits. The mayor told him it wasn't their
place to do so, that public safety and common sense called for
keeping the laws in place, despite constitutional guarantees of any
God-given right of self defense – or the like. Tut tut.
the notion that fighting men and women should not be allowed to keep
and bear arms – admittedly, the implements of war – is
fuzzy-visioned and soft-headed when you stop and realize that their
enemy is on every corner, selling gasoline, cigarettes, beer, milk,
bread, chips, dips, sodas and sandwiches.
knows what they they drive, has their credit and debit card numbers
on tape, video of their license plates, their faces, their smiles and
frowns, and a pretty good idea of when they come and go from home to
work, thence to hearth, home, kith, kin and kinder. Surely, even the
most obtuse social observers know this; the least wide awake among us
are able to perceive that which is on the face of this ridiculous
is carried out on a daily basis on the streets and avenues, alleys
and corners of this nation, on our own soil, and not some desert
to a leading think tank based at the University of Maryland, terror
has never been more rampant, with 5,100 attacks through June of this
year, a rise of 69 percent in 2012 over the previous year, and a jump
of 81 percent more fatalities. CNN trumpeted the figures in an
exclusive report released earlier this week.
Grisham took his son on a 10-mile hike. He armed himself with an
AR-15 and a ..45 cal. semiautomatic pistol, for which he holds a
concealed carry handgun license.
a police officer named Steve Ermis arrived, alerted by a frightened
social services provider who safeguards the rights of children for an
advocacy service, he demanded that he give him his weapon
immediately. Ermis is a beefy harness bull with 27 years in the bag
on the Temple force, and a bunch more previously.
![]() |
Governor Rick Perry |
Dashcam caught what happened next, and the public is not allowed to
see it. Officer Steve Ermis jammed the muzzle of his pistol into the
back of Grisham's neck, bent him over the hood of a police car, slid
the muzzle around to jab it into his ribs, unsnapped the sling of his
rifle, and stomped on his foot. Then he took the pistol, all the
while saying he needed to check his qualifications to have such a
weapon. He ignored the fact that Grisham volunteered to show him his
concealed carry handgun license, a document which the state “shall
issue” when an applicant has proven freedom from mental defects, a
felony record, a background as a sex criminal, and pending
thing the video makes very clear. Neither man showed any apparent
interest in lowering the constantly escalating conflict to a dull
roar. They stoked it up and let it rip.
of the records of this case are available to the public. County
Attorney Jim Nichols says any time a case is open and pending, its
records are sealed - in this case, he told an investigator, by the
judge's order.
the County Attorney, the custodian of those records, when handed a
written request for the court order sealing them, said she has no
such order on file.
officials have similarly excluded the public from the courtroom.
on a public information act request from a staff writer of the local
daily newspaper, officials revealed the veracity of the defense
team's allegation that the venire was “stacked” with public
officials and their relatives, men and women who serve as police
officers, jailers, and clerks, made up more than half the venire of
40 summoned, from which attorneys picked a jury of six. When they
jury returned the less than unanimous verdict and the Court polled
them, the public was again excluded, the matter kept under official
censorship in the interest of “ethical” rules. Because of the
mistrial, a change of venue will be sought by Blue Rannefeld, lawyer
for the defense.
![]() |
Black powder revolver arrest of "Tom Jefferson" at the Texas State Capitol, Austin, Oct. 26 |
the meantime, a rally and protest in the forecourt of the Shrine of
the Alamo extolled the constitutional aspect of the right to keep and
bear arms; numerous citizens have been arrested for carrying loaded
black powder revolvers on the grounds of the State Capitol at Austin,
and a rally on Saturday, December 14 at the front lawn of the Texas
Department of Public Safety headquarters building on North Lamar
Boulevard is planned for those who will carry black powder revolvers
to protest for their constitutional rights to self defense under
weapons of that type are not classified by state law as “firearms.”
All hail DDG 1000, U.S.S. Elmo Zumwalt
Sunday, October 27, 2013
E. Texas judge steps down over texting DA during trial
Conroe – Though she's not admitting she did anything wrong, 258th
District Judge Elizabeth E. Coker walked away from her bench of 14
years after an investigation made it clear she had been influencing
juries and prosecutors during trials.
to knowledgeable observers, Judge Coker had been texting to jurors
and members of the District Attorney's staff, sharing tidbits about
procedure, case law, and suggested questions to ask during criminal
trials. Communications of that type between judges and juries,
prosecutors and defense counsel are ethically improper.
judge explained that she walked away to avoid the expense and
botheration of a lengthy disciplinary proceeding against her.
Judicial Commission made no finding or determinations of fact in my
voluntary resignation, and I have not admitted guilt, fault or
liability in my voluntary resignation. While I could have fought
these allegations, it would have involved significant time,
significant expense, and disruption to everyone involved. I did not
feel that was in the best interests of the taxpayers, our court
system, my family or myself," Coker stated. "I love this
judicial district. The people deserve a judge that is fully focused
on carrying out their duties, which would have been impossible for me
to do in this situation."
a recent issue of “Line Notes,” a publication of the Baylor
Alumni Association, Judge Coker acknowledged that it is her life long
dream to be a jurist.
gushed in an article by Daniel Houston, “After Sunday dinner after
church, instead of conversing with the women, I would go into the
living room and talk with my dad and uncle who were both Baylor grads
– and my grandfather about their cases and the law. I cannot think
of a time in my life that I did not want to be a lawyer...”
Judicial District comprises Polk, Montgomery, and San Jacinto
is the past president of the Alumni Association for 2012-13, a Baylor
Law grad, and a third generation Texas jurist.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Troopers arrest two for carrying black powder revolvers
– Witnesses say Department of Public Safety Troopers arrested two
unidentified men who were carrying holstered black powder revolvers
on the steps of the State Capitol during the Texas Book Fair.
to Victoria Montgomery, a spokeswoman for Open Carry Texas, no one
else in the crowd was armed. She did not know for what charge
troopers placed them in handcuffs.
outlets said they received no return message from DPS when they made
Justin DeLosh, III, gained release on a personal recognizance bond on the charge of criminal trespass. Tom Jefferson raised the bondsman's fee on a $5,000 bail for criminal trespass with a deadly weapon. Authorities released both within hours.
M/Sgt. C.J. Grisham may be seen here addressing the crowd about the protest rally and what occurred.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Top battles Tattoo faces in fertilizer wars - fight moves
Sergeant complains to judicial commission;
Lawyer squeals to State Bar about judge
matter what's going on in the far-flung outposts of the Empire, come
March, someone at “the house” actually cares what is happening on
“the place” - if the middles get run, seed bed is laid out, rows
laid off, fertilizer applied and covered with moist soil. Easter time
is on its way, and it won't be long until it's time to plant grain
sorghum. Cotton follows later, but not much later.
Lawyer squeals to State Bar about judge
The Legendary
– Auxiliary Court Room for Rent – reasonable rate – to the
right visiting jurist with proper credentials, willing to exclude
public, conceal exhibits, verbally abuse the defendant, his wife, and
his family – all in the name of “ethics.”
C.J. Grisham wasn't on a random stroll when officers of the Temple
Police Department arrested him for going armed on March 16; they
didn't apologize when they confiscated a custom-built AR-15 M4
carbine and a Kimber .45 cal. concealment model pistol.
it was described as a Boy Scout hike of 10 miles so his son Chris,
Jr., could get credit for a merit badge. True story.
there's a lot more to this story.
Grisham recalls, “Before I went to Afghanistan, I and another guy
went on a high speed chase, going after anhydrous thieves. I had a
rifle...,” and then he breaks into that manic war fighter's laugh,
the kind any major dude with hard stripes will give, anywhere from a
slight chuckle to a hyena's howl. James Jones worked hard to describe
it in From Here to Eternity
after he tagged the First Shirt with it in his story about a rifle
company between wars on the sunny island of Oahu, just waiting for the Japanese to attack, though they didn't know it. The laugh speaks of the
firefight, the ambush, night attack, crossfire, minefield, and booby
M/Sgt. C.J. Grisham |
very undesirable element waits for those times, the times when big
white nurse tanks of anhydrous ammonia are spotted around the country
in dark fields, not far away from houses where older folks who hit
the hay early still live on the land while younger farmers who live
elsewhere handle their crops on a custom basis.
the tattoo faces come to call with flashlights and propane tanks, the
old folks cringe. Not only do they know to the penny what that
anhydrous costs them; they are scared.
should be.
what happened to a Bellmead Animal Control Officer one frosty March
morning a few years ago when he arrived at the dog pound to feed the
stray hounds.
sack-chasing methamphetamine cooks were on a mission to retrieve a
50-pound bottle of anhydrous, and they ducked down in the ditch when
they saw him coming. When the man went inside the pound, they
approached in stealth, and one of them, an old boy with two tear
drops tattooed beside his eye - a man who acknowledged during the
sentencing phase of his trial for murder that he's already killed
twice on a contract basis while pulling a jolt inside the
penitentiary - plugged him in the back. Then he flipped the man over
and shot him in the dead center of his chest, just to finish him off.
Sgt. Grisham and his son carried the shooting irons along on their
patrol out past the place where a lot of his kin folks live on the
land – prime stuff near the airport with soil like coffee grounds,
level and always draining well, adjacent to industrial campuses and
aviation complexes under the control of a local government economic
development authority.
were men on a mission, as it were. Top Kick and number one son, on
foot patrol, but riding for the brand, nevertheless. S'posed to.
given me a lot of chances to make this go away,” said Sgt. Grisham
last week, when a 4-man, 2-woman jury could not reach agreement on a
verdict, and his jury trial for interfering with a public official in
the performance of his duty ended in a mistrial.
Afghanistan, the cash crop is opium, and the Taliban comes to call
with AK-47 rifles at the ready, collecting taxes for the Mullah in
the name of Allah. Sgt. Grisham should know. He and his men operate
in the field of military intelligence, classifying, enumerating,
correlating names, dates, faces, accidents, incidents, happenings and
reports. But that's another story.
this story, his jury was chosen in the absence of family and friends
who could have watched and listened from the gallery to learn what
questions are important to prosecutors when they choose a jury of six
qualified, registered voters who are willing to sit still for a week
and judge their fellow man for an accusation of a Class B Misdemeanor
Judge Neel Richardson excluded family and friends during jury
allowed to do that.
from Harris County, a judicial retiree who must work a certain number
of hearings and trials in order to qualify for his full pension from
the State of Texas after his retirement. Many judges enjoy the part
time work and continue to work for many years past that auspicious
had the attorneys and bailiffs position the extra large television
screen where folks could not see how Officer Steve Ermis jammed the
muzzle of his sidearm into the back of the Sergeant's head, stomped
on his foot and jackknifed his torso over the hood of a police car
before he jabbed him in the ribs with the pistol and unsnapped the
rifle from its sling.
testified he needed to get control of him so he could determine if
he's qualified - allowed to have a gun - and Grisham hollering all
along that he has a concealed carry handgun license in his bill fold.
To qualify for that, you can't have a felony record, a history of
mental illness, sex offenses, stalking or other creepy stuff. Grisham
still has his concealed carry permit, but he doesn't have his Kimber
pistol. The cops are hanging on to that item in exactly the same way
they are keeping his rifle safely under lock and key.
developments. The defense lawyer, Blue Rannefeld of Cowtown, has made
a motion for a change of venue to another town, though Judge
Richardson will follow him there, along with court security people,
the prosecutors and the court reporter. Rannefeld is “looking into”
filing a grievance with the State Bar of Texas, something that can
result in disbarment and the loss of a license to practice law if
convicted. Visiting County Court at Law Judges must be licensed to
practice law in the State of Texas, admitted to the bar by The State
Bar of Texas. Kind of like losing a driver's license, except you
can't go to AA and get a permit to drive to work. Can't collect that
pension without that law license. Got to be some kind of big deal.
has filed a complaint with the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct
because the judge told attorneys in an in camera conference that he,
Grisham, and Mrs. Grisham are a “couple of yokels” and that he's
going to “teach them something about parenting.”
correspondent would have joined him, but one must have the Cause
Number on the complaint in order to fill out the form properly. That
little doo-dad costs $5 if you have the Bell County Clerk's office
look it up for you.
else would one get it? After all, the ladies of the clerk's office
are the ones who assign the numbers, now, aren't they?
are other elements of Sgt. Grisham's complaint, including not
allowing the defense to enter some allegedly exculpatory items into
evidence and the rumored exclusion of certain witnesses, several
refractory sessions in chambers as the attorneys attempted to come to
an agreement on the jury instructions, and an outright refusal to
help jurors when they called for instruction, trying to understand
the basic nature of the charge and what must be proven to find
innocence or guilt. Namely, the definition of criminally negligent
behavior. This is not to mention his outright refusal to grant a
defense motion for a change of venue in the first place – wouldn't
even talk about it – and a total disregard for the merits of the
case for his recusal vis a vis his allegedly prejudicial behavior.
include anything from a private admonishment or reprimand, a public
version of the same, or outright removal from the bench if the
commission is able to pinpoint prejudicial behavior on the part of
the judge.
is reminded of General Sam Houston's admonishment of his troops'
exuberant behavior at the Battle of San Jacinto. They continued to
slaughter Mexican dragoons, even though the enemy had assumed a
position on their knees, trying to surrender, screaming “Me no
Alamo; me no Goliad.”
murder, the General kept shouting at them, riding back and forth
along the skirmish line on his horse. That's a war crime. What in the
world is wrong with y'all?
he gave up and shouted, “Gentlemen, I admire your enthusiasm, but I
deplore your manners.”
it's all about getting arrested for doing something that's not really
illegal, namely, walking down the road with a loaded rifle or
shotgun, taking a look over the fields.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Queen Ruby 1 hears Biden's remarks about mental health
The Eyes of the Parrot - Los Ojos de Cotorra
Vice President Joe Biden gushed about certain strides made in isolating genetic markers that predict such dread mental illnesses as bipolar disorder. He and HHS Director Kathleen Sebelius appeared at a commemorative ceremony at the John F. Kennedy Library to mark the 50th anniversary of JFK's signing the Community Mental Health Center Act... Tuesday, October 22, 2013
In the court of public opinion, first impressions count
Larry Keilberg (L) of helps arrange Grishams for TV interview |
royal shaping up in Bell County court
Worth, TX - Larry Keilberg, the national director of out of Ft. Worth, advertises “complete peace of
mind” when it comes to defending one self with the gun.
where the west begins, is as appropriate a place as any to buy one's
pistolero insurance, and the “junkyard dog lawyers” from the self
defense fund have it going on, according to the organization's
an annual fee of $150.00, or the monthly mordida of $12.50, one is
covered by the legal protection of Mr. Keilberg's stable of attorneys
in any “state, territory, national park or tribal land,” insured
against prosecution for self defense through the firearm if under
attack by any person or animal, assured funding for legal
representation, bail bond, or private investigator until either
charges are dropped, an acquittal is reached, or a “no bill” of
indictment is returned from a Grand Jury.
proudly proclaims up to $1 million in coverage of legal fees and
incidental trial expenses if necessary - “all the way to the U.S.
Supreme Court.”
at the trial of M/Sgt. C.J. Grisham in Bell County were treated to
the spectacle of Mr. Keilberg, a portly gentleman who brushes his
silver mane straight back from his brow, sitting at a desk in the
well of Auxiliary Courtroom 1 in the sleek, modern Bell County
Justice Center as prosecutors presented evidence and testimony
against his client during the two days of the case in chief.
was signed on as a member of the defense team, as the audio-visual
technical assistant to the defense counsel, his lead attorney, Blue
Rannefeld, who represented Sgt. Grisham in a mistrial in this
sensational case that stems from a March 16 arrest for walking down a
rural road in Temple, Texas, with his son while armed with an AR-15
assault rifle and a Kimber .45 semiautomatic pisto,l for which he has
a concealed carry handgun license.
all the attendant flair of that great operatic factotum, Figaro, Mr.
Keilberg shepherded his clients through this process of high drama,
and faces a re-match on November 16, when visiting judge Neel
Richardson, a retired jurist from Harris County, has set a re-trial.
Mr. Rannefeld has said he will seek a change of venue in a location
as yet undetermined.
you know how rare it is to see a judge get faced down in his own
courtroom?” asked Mr. Keilberg. “We have established the fact by
the court record that he (Judge Richardson) was helping the
made a veiled reference to another jurist whom the Texas Commission
on Judicial Conduct recently removed from the bench for just such an
is reminded of his performance as the overly concerned volunteer who
eagerly approached spectators outside the courtroom prior to jury
selection to caution them against doing anything to prejudice the
venire through inappropriate remarks or inadvertent voicing of
better shut your mouth,” he said. “You could wind up in jail for
unless a member of the panel is approached overtly, there is no
intent, and besides, spectators are under no obligation to sequester
jurors or exclude witnesses. That is the role of the Court, the
reason for jury assembly rooms.
Richardson introduced a high degree of suspense by excluding
spectators and press from the return of the jury's verdict after two
days of deliberations in which they sought legal instruction seven
times, most of it regarding the legal definition of criminal
negligence as it applied to the facts of the case of Sgt. Grisham. He
was accused of interfering with the performance of Officer Steve
Ermis as he sought to disarm him and place him under arrest because
of his carrying his loaded assault weapon, an act that is legal is
this state.
may hear a lengthy interview he gave, an advocacy
group that favors open carry of firearms.
it, he repeats his original sentiment that he is not speaking for his
employers, corrections officials who employ him at a local
penitentiary. He is speaking on his own behalf, he repeatedly states
for the record.
may only be gratified that he is giving The Texas Department of
Criminal Justice, Institutional Division, such a considerate break in
this matter of a Class B Misdemeanor, punishable by a $2,000 fine
and/or a year in a county jail, or both.
L.J. Coterrill, prison guard, erstwhile juror |
to his selection as a juror, he quizzed reporters and spectators
alike about their opinions in the matter, receiving a negative
response from each person, all of whom told him it is not their place
to instruct him about the facts of the case. Prosecutors would handle
that, he was told.
anyone responded, they would naturally have been placed in custody
for contempt of court.
following the verdict, he told members of the press corps that he was
one of five jurors who held out for a verdict of acquittal. As of the
weekend, he had changed his tune, giving interviews that held he was
one of those who changed his vote to guilty following the judge's
instruction regarding self defense and the legal definition of
criminal negligence.
voltage. Let soldiers and townspeople ululate. Sound the bar
The Legendary
Monday, October 21, 2013
Attorney reveals shocking truth about Grisham verdict
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M/Sgt. C.J. Grisham placed under arrest by Officer Steve Ermis |
– In a complete reversal of what officials told the public
following the sensational mistrial of M/Sgt. C.J. Grisham for the
misdemeanor offense of interfering with a public official, Bell
County Attorney Jim Nichols set the record straight in a courthouse
interview with a citizen who wanted to confirm the truth.
there required the man to file a written request for information to
confirm the previously published date and venue of the trial
following a 4-day mistrial that included two full days of jury
deliberation which resulted in a hopeless jury deadlock.
according to what Mr. Nichols said, a juror named L.J. Cotterill
misinformed the public when he said in a post-trial interview that
five held out for acquittal, while only one juror voted to convict.
Mr. Cotterill could not be reached for comment.
Cotterill said the panel could not agree on how to apply the legal
definition of criminal negligence to the evidence and testimony
presented in the case which prosecutors sought to prove regarding
allegations that M/Sgt. C.J. Grisham interfered with Temple Police
Officer Steve Ermis when he sought to disarm him during an arrest
that took place on March 16.
and his son were walking along a rural road near farm property
members of his extended family own near the Temple airport after a
woman phoned the police to report she was alarmed by the “odd”
appearance of a man carrying a long black rifle in public.
Dashcam video made by the equipment in Officer Ermis' patrol car
clearly showed him pointing the muzzle of his semiautomatic pistol
into the back of Sgt. Grisham's neck, grasping his rifle by the
sling, and bending him over the hood of the police car before he
jabbed the muzzle into his ribs and confiscated the weapon.
testified that Grisham waved his hands rather than placing them
behind his back as ordered, and his voluble remarks questioning what
law did he break constituted interference with a public official
while in the performance of his appointed duties.
is no law against carrying a loaded rifle or shotgun in public in
to Mr. Gates, “He (Nichols) said, 'We talked to the jury after the
trial, and it was 5 guilty and one not guilty.'”
Nichols confirmed that C.J. Grisham will be retried on November 18.
for comment, Sgt. Grisham said, “At one point, it was 4 to 2 in my
favor. Then the judge told them that it not a case of self defense,
or that they could not consider self defense as a factor. So they
completely split and went to 4 to convict...It was such a big swing
that we thought it was a mistake.”
the defense team and he arrived for a guest speaker appearance in San
Antonio for the “Line in the Sand” rally at the Alamo, they got a
new perspective when they learned something brand new, at least to
didn't know until Saturday that it was five to convict and one to
he (visiting Judge Neel Richardson) declared a mistrial, he said 'I'm
looking at mid-November,' and they set the new trial for then.”
for comment, defense attorney Blue Rannefeld said any pleadings or
motions filed in the interim may affect the ultimate schedule of the
new trial.
intends to file a motion for a change of venue, but is not sure what
new location the administrative judge for the area will select. Costs
for the new trial will be borne by the taxpayers of Bell County. If
the County Attorney's office chooses to drop the case at any time
during the next two years, prosecutors could subsequently re-file the
case before the statute of limitations expires in the year 2015.
Shauri is Swahili for a situation with which you must deal
D.C. - Ask any Masai warrior from l'Cote D'ivoir, and he will tell
you that a shauri is something which you either did or did not cause,
but with which you must deal – or else.
seeming shibboleth paled when contrasted with the President's ready
answer to newsmen that there is “no excuse” as to why the
computer screens freeze and the system just will not accommodate the
needs of people who clamor to sign up for the health care benefits law the GOP so opposes.
reporters supplied their analysis by saying, “But
he said, 'it's time for folks to stop rooting for its failure.'
an ironic twist, the problems with the health care rollout were
overshadowed at first by Republican efforts to delay or defund the
law in exchange for reopening the government during the 16-day
shutdown. The bill that eventually reopened the government included
no substantive changes to the health care law.
the shutdown over, GOP lawmakers have been ramping up their criticism
of the health care law's troubles...”
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