Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Al's Tokio Store beer license in court on June 20

TABC: 'We are neutral'
“The rest of the world may go to hell; as for me, I'm going to Tokio.” - Al Cinek

Tokio – A neighbor has protested the Tokio Store beer license for the second time, prompting County Judge Jim Lewis to have the matter placed on the docket in County Court-At-Law No. 2.

Judge Brad Cates will hear testimony as to whether there is evidence of criminal activity or public nuisance at the rural store, which has been purveying beer since the mid-19th century, when drovers of longhorn cattle and thirsty travelers who were headed for Cowtown used to stop in for a cold one.

Situated on the old grade of the Texas Central Railroad near where it crosses Aquilla Creek five miles southwest of West, Texas, the store is now a popular hangout for the black-t-shirted Hog riding fools who buzz the country on weekends – looking for adventure, and whatever comes their way.

When County Judge Jim Lewis refused to sign off on the renewal application, bar owner Al Cinek appealed the decision to 19th Criminal District Court, where Judge Ralph Strother held that there was no evidence of wrongdoing to be ascertained and remanded the case back to the County Consitutional Court. Mr. Cinek then received approval for his beer and wine license.

This time, a similar situation exists, with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) taking a neutral posture in the matter.

Said Matthew Clark, a staff attorney for the commission, “We are not protesting...It's a private citizen who is protesting. We are neutral. We did not join as a party...”

Mr. Clark said he is aware of no legal violations reported to the TABC.


  1. Yea...LOL Casey Kelley,Butch Giddens,David Giddens,and David Doran are such head bangers...such racket produced by those crazy musicians ;) (hopefully you knew that was dripping with sarcasm) MAN I CAN'T WAIT TILL ITS OVER AND PEOPLE GET A LIFE!!!!! I would not want to be known as "that person" who wastes taxpayer dollars by sending a deputy to a situation where there is no crime taking place when they maybe could have caught a sex offender or serial killer. I guess if one person is miserable in their life, then they feel the need to bring anyone around them down into the dumps with them. Well, life doesn't work that way. NO!!! IT IS NOT A CRIMINAL ACT TO HAVE A GOOD TIME WITH GREAT PEOPLE. I do believe that has already been proven over the last 104 weekends that the Sheriff's Dept. Has been called out to Tokio.

  2. are you having to go thru that mess again?..what abuncha A-holes.let me know if I can be of any help..

  3. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED FOR WHAT YOU HOSTED JULY 28TH! FEEL FREE TO READ ALL THE COURT DOCUMENTS THAT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, ALL THE POLICE REPORTS IN THREE COUNTIES and the CPS case that was closed only after the protective custody of her REAL MOTHER was firmly established by the court.


  4. I am familiar with the so called "real mother" of the little girl that you had the fundraiser for. She is a "habitual" liar and has many issues, I won't name them on here. As far as her daughter being exploited on the internet, it seems she contributed to that by posting all those posts on her own facebook page. What kind of mother would do that??? She has quite a past, ask her about it

  5. Whoa! Folks, you lost The Legendary there. I wrote a piece about a local tavern operator taken to court to defend his beer and wine license. Don't know where you got the idea I wrote a piece about a benefit, real mothers, or any of that stuff. Sorry about that, but this story is about selling cold beer to hawg-riding fools. - The Legendary
