Monday, June 20, 2011

Exponential exploration of the time signature of 5/4

A petition of panjandrum regarding the shape of things to come as the numbers mount to infinity, including a doubling of the cost of fuel for McLennan County's vehicles and road equipment.

According to figures rushed to the Commissioners' Court by Budget Director Adam Harry an hour or two past the deadline for normal distribution, at just slightly more than $4 per gallon, the cost has risen by nearly three-quarters of a million dollars.

Aviation fuel for the Sheriff's Department helicopter will cost some $14,000 in an appropriation that is earmarked for "drug interdiction."

Cost to refurbish and remodel the downtown jail, in which no prisoners are housed, will be $350,000 while debt service on the $50 million Jack Harwell Detention Facility, owned, built and financed by the taxpayers, yet operated by a for-profit corporation, CEC (Civigenics) Inc., goes forward, though at half its capacity, the project makes no money for anyone...

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