Monday, June 17, 2013

Tinseltown's Titanic Thompson art project

Los Angeles – There is a certain legend about the legendary golf hustler, fast buck artist and traveling man, Titanic Thompson.
One day during a heated round on a desert golf course, Titanic bet another gambling fool that he knew the exact weight of a certain boulder that lay near the beaten track, hard by the green.
The dude took the bet, the money went down, and out from town came the crane with its spring scale.
Sure enough, Titanic's estimate was right on the money. He won the dough.
As the crane operator was loading up, fixing to leave, someone asked him, “Is this a pretty elaborate setup, or what? I mean, over a golf bet, you know...”
That's when the guy replied, “Yeah, I know. And it's the second time I've been out here today to weigh the damn thing...”

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