Wednesday, November 9, 2011

And then he bit the Flanagan square on his nose...

Cleveland – In this lakeside city, the hub of the industrial heartland of America, on Memphis Avenue, at the Gloria Dei Evangelical Lutheran Church yesterday afternoon, friend Flanagan engaged in conversation with an election official.

The old boy was after a woman who, he said, had placed her signs far too close to the polling place.

That's when the Flanagan stepped in and remonstrated with him. Said Flanagan, just trying to help the woman, you see, "Measure the distance if you are concerned, and don't be an ass."

Said the official, “What did you say?”

Flanagan told the cops that he was a bit “combative.”

That's when the old boy grabbed Flanagan by the neck, head butted him, and bit him right square of his nose. That he did.

Flanagan called the television station on his way home from the hospital. He said the man tried to bite his nose clean off, he did.

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