Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The wrath of God leans down to kiss Earth good night

Snapped in an ice cream parlor window on Cleburne's W. Henderson Street at sundown

BULLETIN: According to broadcasters, emergency officials are expecting a death toll of at least 40 more persons... 

Cleburne – For the second time in a week, climatic forces much greater than the affairs of man brushed the planet's surface and killed with impunity.

In the Oklahoma City area, 37 people perished, many of them children, during an afternoon of utter hell as giant rotary clouds plowed through buildings, threw vehicles and debris hundreds of feet through the air, and caused entire structures to collapse on their occupants.

As the line of wrathful mammatus (literally, breast) clouds advanced from the northwest, they swept Johnson, Bosque, Hamilton and Coryell Counties with the threat of severe damage.

Below, a storm chaser's video of a series of funnel clouds menacing Moore, Oklahoma, a community in the Oklahoma City area.

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