Sunday, February 6, 2011

Business Coup of 1933 At Successful End Game Now

Nazi collaboration of Wall Street bond traders, international bankers continues today in foreign policy, energy and economic schemes

When U.S. Marine Corps Major General Smedley P. Butler sat down to testify before the McCormack-Dickstein Committee, he spun a strange tale of how a group of prominent financiers and industrialists planned to stage a bloodless military coup against President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

He had been recruited to lead the plot and to wield power as a new dictator who would occupy the Oval Office by an association known as the American Liberty League. It was backed by members of the DuPont family, as well as leaders of U.S. Steel, General Motors, Standard Oil, Chase National Bank, and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.

A Wall Street bond salesman named Gerald MacGuire had first approached the General regarding the plan. Mr. MacGuire was a decorated veteran of World War One and the former commander of the Connecticut American Legion.

At the heart of the coup was Prescott Bush, an executive vice president of the family business, Brown Brothers Harriman, an investment bank that operated from Wall Street. Mr. Bush, the father of President George Herbert Walker Bush and his grandson, George Walker Bush, was a U.S. Senator from Connecticut from 1952-1966. Sen. Bush was among a short list of prospective presidential candidates chosen by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to oppose then Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960. In his presidency, Mr. Kennedy executed an executive order that enables a president to issue specimen-backed currency at will. He did so in January of 1963, issuing $4 billion in silver-backed U.S. dollars in an end run around the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Immediately following the assassination in November of that year, President Lyndon Johnson began recalling he silver certificates. No other president has used the executive order promulgated by President Kennedy, though it is still in force and completely viable by law.

In his business career, Mr. Bush served on the board of many large corporations, including CBS, Dresser Industries, and the boards of charitable and social organizations such as Planned Parenthood.

The coup against President Roosevelt was foiled by General Butler's timely testimony and the White House never took any action against the plotters.

However, the affair began in 1933, the year Adolph Hitler seized power in a war-ravaged Germany that was struggling in the throes of a worldwide depression brought on by the collapse of currencies and securities throughout the western world.

The Harriman Bank was the principal U.S. connection for several very influential German companies and the financial interests of Fritz Thyssen, an early financial backer of the Nazi Party.

Six days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt signed into law the Trading With The Enemy Act. Doing business with the Nazis was not illegal on Dec. 11, 1942, when Hitler declared war on the U.S., but it became illegal when the new law took effect two days later.

Under the new law, the Alien Property Custodian ordered the interests of Mr. Bush, his family, Mr. Thyssen, the Harrimans, and others who had been doing business with the Nazis to be seized.

These assets included Union Banking Corporation, a division of Brown Brothers Harriman, of which Mr. Bush was a board member; Dutch-American Trading Corporation; and Silesian-American Trading Corporation.

"Friend, I go to Germany to work for you..."

Many allegations have been made about Mr. Bush's personal conduct, the most serious of which is that he personally oversaw slave labor mining operations in Poland out of Auschwitz just prior to World War II, the assertions being based on intelligence reports generated by the Dutch Resistance.

Mr. Thyssen, who has been referred to as “Hitler's Angel,” is confirmed by some records in the National Archives to have had a continued relationship with Brown Brothers Harriman up until his death in 1951.

According to John Loftus, an investigator, “As a former federal prosecutor, I would make a case for Prescott Bush, his father-in-law George Walker, and Averell Harriman to be prosecuted for giving aid and comfort to the enemy...They remained on the boards of these companies.”

The long-term implications of the major shift in energy paradigm from one of alliance with the British to one of dependence on Arabian petroleum along the lines of the German strategy, the devaluation of currencies, and the continued pressure on American manufacturing in favor on multinational coalitions and most favored nation status of nations such as China and Japan as the major creditors of the U.S. Treasury is clear.

The business coup worked just fine. After nearly 80 years, the end game goals have come true for the original plotters.

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