Sunday, December 2, 2012

Video choice of communication between gangster gangs

Every battle is won before it is fought. And it is won by choosing the field of terrain on which the fight will be engaged. - Nicolo Machiavelli, "The Art of War"

Waco – According to information published by the establishment media representative at Court, a certain spokesman for the community is demanding an apology from the District Attorney.


A black female minister with a law degree claims a lead prosecutor in a capital murder case chose to explain to jurors in vivid detail the differences between their community, where they live in white neighborhoods, and the community in the black neighborhood of east Waco.

Then he showed the jurors a video made in remembrance of a young man cut down by gunfire from a rival gang as he tended to his business in a public park.


It was for this reason, the prosecutor alleged, that a gun attack on four other youthful members of the community took place a year later, resulting in two deaths and the maiming of two others.

To explain the business of The People of the State of Texas in this way is “culturally and anthropologically ignorant,” according to the news story.

RIP WILLY Tineo By Topdollah Icyy

That may be true, but the strategy worked. The carefully picked jury returned a guilty verdict, then meted out the punishment of death by lethal injection, as requested by the prosecution team.

McLennan County Criminal District Attorney Abel Reyna went on record saying that he knows of no reason, no cause, nothing said or done for which he should apologize.

Be it remembered that the gangsters who sell drugs on our nation's streets do not communicate in newspaper articles.

They allow their ad agencies, the daily lap dog press and broadcast media, to do that for them.

While other members of the media are excluded from court proceedings, the reporters for establishment newspapers and broadcast outlets stroll into the judges' chambers and receive instructions on what, if anything, they are expected to print.

Imagine that.

The gangsters don't do it that way.

They use the cell phone, the text message, the gun – and the video - to get their point across.

Like most gangsters, they write very little, if anything, about their business.

So mote it be.

Here are some dispatches from the drug wars, captured on video, for your viewing pleasure.

Oh, and if you're really on your toes, you might take the establishment's best advice and drive completely around Waco and McLennan County when you're out for a jaunt.

- The Legendary


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