Monday, December 5, 2011

What the heck?

McLennan County Tax Assessor-Collector Buddy Skeen is requesting a budget change to reduce services in the McGregor area by closing a satellite tax office.

At the same time, Mr. Skeen is requesting pay raises for two employees. Will the funds be realized from the reductiion in service? Good question.


$4215.84 annual raise. Not bad.


$5953.56 annual raise. Even better

Where is Buddy going to come up with the money? The document below indicates he is reducing service in the outlying area to fund part of it.



  1. They fired an employee that had 16 years of employment and only had less than 4 years till retirement, that worked in the McGregor sub-station. Now they can give other employees raises since they don't have to pay her.

  2. Thank you for the update. - The Legendary
