Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Here we a'go go again - Avanti! Hup, one, two three...

Republicans react with derision
"My colleagues made it very clear: `Don't even think of leaving,' " former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, recalled at a news conference, surrounded by women lawmakers. "I have made a decision to submit my name to my colleagues to once again serve as the House Democratic leader."
Sworn testimony
Republicans reacted with derision.
"There is no better person to preside over the most liberal House Democratic caucus in history than the woman who is solely responsible for relegating it to a prolonged minority status," said Paul Lindsay, spokesman for the National Republican Campaign Committee.
"This decision signals that House Democrats have absolutely no interest in regaining the trust and confidence of the American people who took the speaker's gavel away from Nancy Pelosi in the first place," he said.

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