Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thinking Soldier Recommends Contingency Plan Novels

...Don't put on no airs when you're down on Rue Morgue Avenue.
They got some hungry women there and they really make a mess out of you..
. - Bob Dylan, “Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues”

In the finest traditions of the Committees of Correspondence and the Committees of Public Safety, the brethren are reaching out to each other on a daily basis, writing in the ethernet, on the whispering winds across oceans and borders and jungles and swamps and mountains.

Comes now Bacsi, that well-experienced hospital corpsman, the one the special ops soldiers of the A-teams won't go across the street without.

He writes from his aerie in the mountains far to our south about that most popular literature among professional soldiers and sailors, the contingency plan masquerading as a paperback novel, the kind you see sticking out of the hip pocket of any soldier, sailor or Marine on garrison duty.

Contingency plans are the meat and potatoes of any thinking warrior.

After all, who could be more cautious than a professional soldier? Witnesseth, General George Washington, or that genius in the stirrups, former Chief of Staff and Commandant of West Point, General Robert E. Lee.

But what is Bacsi on about?

It's a good point, one I can't help but turn into a Sunday morning think piece.



At least, some of them have been quiet. One could change his opinion playing back tapes of Governor Rick Perry of Texas and Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona.

Quiet about what, Bacsi?

It's very simple. Totally sealing and securing our southern border with Mexico is a military impossibility, at least with the resources currently available to military commanders.

Harold Coyle, the Leavenworth, Kansas, author of New York Times best selling military fiction, graduate of Virginia Military Institute and 14-year veteran of the U.S. Army, wrote a sockdolager about the same subject, Trial By Fire, Paperbook,

In a key episode, one of the author's recurring characters from his repertory company of career officers, Major Al, “Big Al,” Dixon, is at a sit-down with the blustery and bodacious Governor of Texas, briefing the man on what it will take to get the job done of securing the border.

The upshot is that he makes the Governor swallow his gum and shut his trap when he explains it will take hundreds of thousands of land mines, a half-million rolls of barb wire, a trooper every 33 meters, close to 2,000 miles of trenches, booby traps, berms and breastworks and – drum roll – a minimum deployment of 53 divisions of three-battalion brigades with an additional number of backup divisions for European and Asian duty – for a total manning strength of the U.S. Army of 3,000,000 troops.

That's what you call tactical depth.

Why do you need tactical depth?

The invader is made up of a very clever, light infantry guerrilla force, an outfit that fights on ground of its own choosing, finances its operations with illicit trade in narcotics, human trafficking, and weapons.

What's more, this enemy thrives in a culture of official corruption in which the main reason to seek out and get a police or military career is for its potential to bring in the big bucks in baksheesh and mordida associated with looking the other way at the right time in the right place.

Uh, yeah. It occurs to old Bacsi that many a big mouth politician has received the same briefing and quickly shut his trap when armed with the true facts.

But there is yet another contingency and it's not very pretty to think about it or look at it.

It's called a false flag event and the tactic has been used many, many times over the millenia of fighting wars.

In the plot of Mr. Coyle's book, black ops types sabotage the fuel on the Mexican President's Air Force One and a junta of 13 Mexican colonels takes over the country, prompting the U.S. Army to invade Mexico pronto.

That's nothing new. Hitler used the same method in the invasion of Poland. He dressed dead troopers in enemy uniforms, staged a scene that involved the bogus attempt to capture a border land radio station and let the good times roll. Then there was something about a mysterious fire in downtown Berlin. Ring a bell?

The result – another, larger, even more deserted and mountainous buffer zone, the northern tier of Mexican states.

Good story.

Does it have a moral? You bet it does. You see, General Andrew Jackson, President of the United States of America and hero of the Battle of New Orleans in the war of 1812, intended our Mexican border interface here in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California to be miles and miles of prickly pear, mesquite, saguaro, scorpions, rattlesnakes, gila monsters, hot hot desert sun and barrancas, arroyos, muddy river beds with dried quicksand and impassable expanses of territory imported from Hell itself.

Read all about it. Amazon has used copies of the book for as little as a couple of bucks, as well as many more by Mr. Coyle, contingency novelizations regarding robotic devices on the modern battlefield, force recon units of little boys with quick minds and perfect reflexes, and the like.

It will get your thinker to thinking – something the powers that be always consider ultimately dangerous because you're liable to get your prover to proving what you see all around you is real – very real.

Be somebody. Stick a paperback in your hip pocket and start soldiering, troop. You got nothing to lose but the sovereign border of your nation. Relax. Don't worry. Be happy.

Stock up. It's gonna be a long, long time coming, but it's going to be a long time here.

Buy boots, beans, bullets, band-aids, commo gear, water purification devices, electrical generating equipment, durable clothing and sensible shoes.

And don't forget to lay in a big supply of paperbacks, the kind that fit in that hip pocket.

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