Sunday, August 21, 2011

McLennan County GOP chair calls for tax man to quit

Waco – Joe B. Hinton, chairman of the McLennan County Republican Party, called for Tax Assessor-Collector Buddy Skeen to resign.

Mr. Skeen stands accused but not charged with selling used vehicles owned by his office to family and friends, selling real property owned by the County, and claiming the sales tax on a Linkcounty-owned vehicle against the purchase of a new vehicle he bought for himself. He is the subject of an ongoing Texas Rangers investigation.

(those who feel they are taxed enough already may click here for a minority report)

Said Mr. Hinton, a former Vice President for European operations for Exxon/Mobil,

“This guy needs to think hard about resigning.”

Mr. Skeen recently joined the GOP after the Democratic Party Chairman called for his resignation. A grand jury investigated his dealings in the past and returned no bill of true indictment. (click here for a weather report on the matter - continued hot and miserable)

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