Friday, September 7, 2012

Cops' proposed rules about the use of drone aircraft

Rapidadvances in technology have led to the development and increased useof unmanned aircraft. That technology is now making its way into thehands of law enforcement officers nationwide. We also live in aculture that is extremely sensitive to the idea of preventingunnecessary government intrusion into any facet of our lives.Personal rights are cherished and legally protected by theConstitution. Despite their proven effectiveness, concerns aboutprivacy threaten to overshadow the benefits this technology promisesto bring to public safety. From enhanced officer safety by exposingunseen dangers, to finding those most vulnerable who may havewandered away from their caregivers, the potential benefits areirrefutable. However, privacy concerns are an issue that must bedealt with effectively if a law enforcement agency expects the publicto support the use of UA by their police.(click here to read the proposed rules)

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