Monday, August 15, 2011

McBudget surplus unchanged in FY 2012 plans

Reporting and video by R.S. Gates
Story by The Legendary Jim Parks

Waco – McLennan County Commissioners' Court will continue budget planning and discussions of spending in their regular Tuesday morning session tomorrow.

Apparently, unaddressed are taxpayer concerns about more than $27 million in surplus funds collected but unspent over the past 5 years.

(click here for a breakdown of those figures from an earlier story in The Legendary)

Of this, $24.4 million was unspent by the county's 4 road and bridge precinct Commissioners.

For instance, Commissioner Kelly Snell budgeted $2.9 million in funding for his Precinct 1 operation in 2010 and records show there was a surplus of funds of 1.2 million left over at the end of the budget year.

In the year 2011, Mr. Snell budgeted $3 million in road and bridge funds, a figure which left $1 million unspent on the upkeep of driving surfaces and creek crossings.

Figures for the proposed 2012 budget show plans for an identical $3 million in taxpayer funds, for which no figures for actual expenditures have as yet been entered.

In a clip from an audio recording of a recent budget session, Mr. Snell may be heard discussing a mix-up of discretionary funds with line item budget funds in a certain account.

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